4th of July Fire Safety Tips to Keep Your Home and Family Safe
6/27/2022 (Permalink)

It’s that time of year again! While many people take the 4th of July as an opportunity to let loose and enjoy the fireworks, it’s important to keep safety in mind while celebrating this holiday. As one of the leading fire restoration companies in the country, we at SERVPRO of Citrus Heights/Roseville, and Carmichael want to offer some tips that will help you keep your home and family safe during this exciting time.
The Dangers of Sparklers
First and foremost, let us discuss the infamous sparklers, a kids favorite and usually the start of the festivities. Not many parents realize how dangerous sparklers can be around children. Sparklers are actually classified as fireworks, but because they’re so small, their dangers aren’t well-known. Sparklers burn at more than 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit – more than 700 degrees hotter than your oven! Sparklers should only be used under adult supervision, and never by small children.
Prevent Fireworks-Related Injuries
Although firework safety is a big concern for many people, accidents can still happen. It’s important to be aware of all related risks so you can protect your home and family from injury. Some tips include - Never allow children to play with fireworks unsupervised. - Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away from any structure or flammable materials (including other fireworks). - Only use fireworks outdoors; never shoot them indoors or near any structures. - Read and follow all directions on every product label before using it.
Limit Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol can increase your risk for fire, so be careful with how much you drink at your 4th of July celebrations. In addition, if you’re already intoxicated, don’t go near matches or lighters. Stay in control of your faculties—no matter how tempting it may be to let loose. Safety is so important, especially on this day.
Clean Up Afterwards
When you’re done celebrating, make sure you put your firework debris in a safe place. The EPA recommends collecting fireworks in a bucket of water, making sure they don’t dry out before disposal. Remember that fireworks are made from explosive compounds, so keep them far away from kids and pets! All in all, have a great 4th of July and be safe!